SERG Reading Club: Characterizing industry-academia collaborations in software engineering: evidence from 101 projects

Oct 30, 2020 13:00 — 14:00
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Dear all,

For this Friday we want to dive deeper into industry-academia collaborations. What is the state of collaborations? Do the partners benefit from the joint projects? how could we increase the process of collaborations between academia and industry?

Join us on October the 30th, 13:00 - 14:00 on Zoom for the next SERG Reading Club πŸ“–πŸ“š!:

“Characterizing industry-academia collaborations in software engineering: evidence from 101 projects” by Garousi et al.

Wanna join & you are not part of our Mattermost? Send an email to c.e.brandt /at/ to get the Zoom link 😊

Software Engineering Research Group

Software Engineering Research Group
